Flutter Gems is a curated list of 6700+ useful Dart & Flutter packages that are categorized based on functionality.
Top Flutter QR Code and Bar Code packages
Last updated: February 25, 2025
A bar code is a one-dimensional code that can be read using a bar code scanner utility. It consists of a series of black and white bars of varying widths.
On the other hand, a QR code is a two-dimensional code that can be read by a QR scanner utility. It consists of black and white squares arranged in a square grid.
The complete list of Flutter QR Code Scanner and Bar Code Scanner packages that provide useful APIs or utilities is provided below.
👍 2.2K ⬇️ 1.9M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
QR.Flutter is a Flutter library for simple and fast QR code rendering via a Widget or custom painter.
👍 195 ⬇️ 2.4M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A QR code generation library for Dart and Flutter. Supports QR code version 1 through 40, error correction and redundancy.
👍 2.13K ⬇️ 331.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
QR code scanner that can be embedded inside flutter. It uses zxing in Android and MTBBarcode scanner in iOS.
👍 1.95K ⬇️ 385.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A universal barcode and QR code scanner for Flutter based on MLKit. Uses CameraX on Android, AVFoundation on iOS and Apple Vision & AVFoundation on macOS.
👍 1.39K ⬇️ 33K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A plugin for barcode scanning support on Android and iOS. Supports barcodes, QR codes, etc.
👍 549 ⬇️ 608.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend.

👍 442 ⬇️ 46.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Pretty QR code for Flutter. You can round the edges with parameter or use the standard view.

👍 325 ⬇️ 153.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Barcode generation widget for Flutter with support for standard barcodes.
👍 391 ⬇️ 743
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A Plug-in for dart, which help you scanning barcode and qrcode with android device.
👍 285 ⬇️ 27.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A flutter plugin for scanning 2D barcodes and QRCodes via camera.
👍 56 ⬇️ 234.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Dart. This is a port of the Android library.
👍 126 ⬇️ 151.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Flutter plugin to use Google's ML Kit Barcode Scanning to read data encoded using most standard barcode formats.

👍 193 ⬇️ 13.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
simple_barcode_scanner that let you scan barcode and qr code in mobile, web and windows.
👍 174 ⬇️ 23.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
scan qrcode & barcode in widget tree with custom options.Accurately decode qrcode & barcode image from path.

👍 189 ⬇️ 6.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A universal AI barcode and QR code scanner for Flutter based on MLKit. Uses CameraX on Android, AVFoundation on iOS and Apple Vision & AVFoundation on macOS.

👍 179 ⬇️ 9.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Flutter Barcodes generator library is used to generate and display data in the machine-readable, industry-standard 1D and 2D barcodes.
👍 169 ⬇️ 8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Listen for any hardware barcode scanner without any manufacturer SDK
👍 149 ⬇️ 3.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
The only Flutter barcode SDK for Android, iOS, Web, Windows, Linux, macOS. Supported 1D/2D barcodes include Code39, Code128, EAN13, QR Code, DataMatrix, MaxiCode, PDF417, etc.

👍 143 ⬇️ 541
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Support Android, iOS and web recognition of one-dimensional barcode and two-dimensional barcode
👍 128 ⬇️ 3.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Plugin for reading QR codes using Firebase's Mobile Vision API.

👍 108 ⬇️ 9.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A barcode scanner and generator natively in Flutter with Dart FFI based on ZXing.

👍 95 ⬇️ 2.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Flutter plugin of the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK for Android and iOS. Provides functionality for scanning 1D and 2D barcodes, like EAN, UPC, QR code, Data Matrix, PDF 417, etc.
👍 78 ⬇️ 2.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
QR code (scan QRCode and picture) recognition (AndroidView/UiKitView)

👍 68 ⬇️ 6.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate barcodes using the image library.
👍 60 ⬇️ 13.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A QR code scanner that works on both iOS and Android using dart decoder.

👍 63 ⬇️ 100
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A package that lets you to scan your CNIC and ID cards and all types of other cards. It support both Android and iOS and null safe.
👍 61 ⬇️ 178
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A qr code scanner flutter plugin project. Using method channel open native camera page scan QR code. Support iOS, Android.

👍 59 ⬇️ 835
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A scan code Flutter plugin, which is a Flutter package for huawei scanning SDK.

👍 58 ⬇️ 889
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A pure Dart package for QR detection, decoding and tracking.

👍 49 ⬇️ 9.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
QR code scanner that can be embedded inside flutter. It uses zxing in Android and MTBBarcode scanner in iOS.
👍 56 ⬇️ 469
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A Flutter Plugin for reading/scanning QR & Bar codes using Firebase's Mobile Vision API
👍 54 ⬇️ 940
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A fast barcode scanner using MLKit on Android and AVFoundation on iOS.
👍 49 ⬇️ 192
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A Flutter plugin to detect barcodes, text, faces, and objects using Google MLKit API for iOS and Android
👍 20 ⬇️ 29.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A Dart port of zxing that encode and decode multiple 1D/2D barcodes, Supported qrcode, pdf417, oned, maxicode, datamatrix, aztec.
👍 45 ⬇️ 756
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Dynamsoft Capture Vision Flutter SDK provides the ability to decode barcodes, recognize labels, detect and normalize documents.
👍 45 ⬇️ 204
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
This is a plugin to scan barcodes by using Honeywell PDA Android devices.
👍 41 ⬇️ 2.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Plugin to show a simple scanner dialog and capture Bar/QR code easily. Works with Android iOS and Web. It uses html5-qrcode scanner for web and qr_code_scanner for Android and iOS
👍 42 ⬇️ 119
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A camera barcode scanner for Flutter Web using your favorite Javascript library
👍 39 ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Flutter plugin for BlinkID, SDK for scanning and OCR of various identity documents.
👍 38 ⬇️ 96
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Barcode Finder is a plugin for reading barcodes and QRCodes from pdf files and images using Zxing for Android and Zxing and Zbar for iOS
👍 36 ⬇️ 1.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Scans MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) from identity documents for iOS and Android.

👍 33 ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Scanning effect for wrapping around a camera view

👍 31 ⬇️ 49
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A simple and customizable barcode scanning package for Android and iOS. It uses AVCaptureSession in iOS and ZXing in Android.
👍 27 ⬇️ 833
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
The Flutter plugin for iOS and Android to decoding QR codes.
👍 26 ⬇️ 243
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Flutter package for QR scanner with scanning effect.
👍 5 ⬇️ 15.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A Barcode Generator Widget that can be embedded inside flutter. It uses zxing-dart for all platforms.
👍 18 ⬇️ 2
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Huawei Scan Flutter Plugin scans all major 1D and 2D barcodes as well as generates barcodes to help you quickly build barcode scanning functions into your apps.
👍 12 ⬇️ 856
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A plugin for barcode scanning support on Android and iOS. Supports barcodes, QR codes, etc.
👍 1 ⬇️ 260
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Flutter support for Barkoder - a Barcode Scanner SDK for the modern enterprise.
👍 51 ⬇️ 44
Maintenance Status: Poor
A multi-code reader widget with live preview for both iOS and Android. Using native code for detection, scans QR, PDF417 and CODE39 among others.
👍 42 ⬇️ 16
Maintenance Status: Poor
A flutter plugin about qr code scan,it can scan from file, url, memory and camera qr code.
👍 37 ⬇️ 49
Maintenance Status: Poor
A flutter plugin for scanning QR codes. Use AVCaptureSession in iOS and zxing in Android.
👍 22 ⬇️ 97
Maintenance Status: Poor
Barcode flutter is a Flutter library for simple and fast Bar code rendering via a custom painter.
👍 17 ⬇️ 64
Maintenance Status: Poor
This package allows user to read or get the data by scan or read QRCode from other object (like wall) or the local image file.