Flutter Gems is a curated list of 6700+ useful Dart & Flutter packages that are categorized based on functionality.
Top Flutter Code Generator and Serialization (JSON) packages
Last updated: January 26, 2025
Code generation is a technique for automatically generating code based on certain input data or rules. In Flutter, code generation is used for a variety of purposes, such as generating code for working with JSON data, generating code for working with databases, and generating code for working with web services. Code generation can make it easier to write and maintain code, as it can automate repetitive tasks and reduce the amount of manual coding that is required.
JSON serialization is the process of converting data from a structured format, such as a JSON object, into a format that can be easily stored or transmitted. In Flutter, JSON serialization is often used for working with data that comes from web services or other external sources. The Flutter framework provides built-in support for serializing and deserializing JSON data, making it easy to work with JSON in your Flutter applications. There are various packages which provides essential tools for encoding Dart objects into JSON and decoding JSON back into Dart objects as well as parsing JSON. This capability proves crucial when fetching data from APIs, managing configuration files, or persisting local app state.
Annotations are a way of adding metadata or additional information to your code. In Flutter, annotations are typically used to provide additional information about the types of data that are used in your code, such as the types of objects that are returned by a function or the types of parameters that are accepted by a method. Annotations can be useful for providing additional context to your code, and can also be used by tools such as IDEs to provide better code completion and error checking.
The complete list of Dart and Flutter Code Generation, JSON Serialization and Annotation packages is provided below.
👍 1.17K ⬇️ 4.6M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Classes and helper functions that support JSON code generation via the 'json_serializable' package.
👍 3.67K ⬇️ 1.6M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Automatically generate code for converting to and from JSON by annotating Dart classes.
👍 4.09K ⬇️ 1.2M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.
👍 468 ⬇️ 2.6M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Annotations for the freezed code-generator. This package does nothing without freezed too.
👍 164 ⬇️ 2.6M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Source code generation builders and utilities for the Dart build system
👍 18 ⬇️ 1.6M
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Utilities to help with Dart source code generation. Includes utilities for properly generating String literals from any String value.
👍 1.54K ⬇️ 63K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs.
👍 1.08K ⬇️ 197.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generator tool to make communication between Flutter and the host platform type-safe and easier.
👍 20 ⬇️ 859.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
An ASN1 parser library for Dart. Encodes / decodes from ASN1 Objects to BER bytes
👍 17 ⬇️ 846.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Annotations and helpers for lenses for code generated with the 'function_data_generator' package.
👍 13 ⬇️ 831.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
sum_types and sum_types_generator packages together define a code generator enabling sum-types in Dart.
👍 287 ⬇️ 500.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Generator for FFI bindings, using LibClang to parse C, Objective-C, and Swift files.
👍 387 ⬇️ 318K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A code generator for Riverpod. This both simplifies the syntax empowers it, such as allowing stateful hot-reload.
👍 376 ⬇️ 240.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Extension for Hive. Automatically generates TypeAdapters to store any class.
👍 254 ⬇️ 242.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs.
👍 145 ⬇️ 322.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A package exposing annotations for riverpod_generator
👍 339 ⬇️ 137.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Improved json serialization and data classes with full support for generics, inheritance, customization and more.
👍 142 ⬇️ 244.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Value types with builders, Dart classes as enums, and serialization. This library is the dev dependency.
👍 164 ⬇️ 217.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
retrofit generator is an dio client generator using source_gen and inspired by Chopper and Retrofit.
👍 116 ⬇️ 234.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Injectable is a convenient code generator for get_it. Inspired by Angular DI, Guice DI and inject.dart.
👍 297 ⬇️ 65.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generator for MobX that adds support for annotating your code with @observable, @computed, @action and also creating Store classes.
👍 272 ⬇️ 2.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
This package allows programmers to annotate Dart objects in order to serialize / deserialize them from / to JSON.
👍 256 ⬇️ 3.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A code generator that generates widget classes from their implementation as a function.
👍 85 ⬇️ 145K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A protobuf protoc compiler plugin used to generate Dart code.
👍 189 ⬇️ 54.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Automatically generating 'copyWith' extensions code for classes with '@CopyWith()' annotation.
👍 49 ⬇️ 143.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Dev-dependency for users of drift. Contains the generator and development tools.
👍 131 ⬇️ 49.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Simple, opinionated, codegen library for GraphQL. It allows you to generate serializers and client helpers to easily call and parse your data.
👍 14 ⬇️ 93.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A package featuring the annotations used by widgetbook_generator.
👍 117 ⬇️ 6.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation for mapping between different objects with ease.
👍 13 ⬇️ 77.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A package to automate setup and maintenance of the widgetbook package by using code generation.
👍 93 ⬇️ 1.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Dart bindings generator for Java and Kotlin that uses JNI under the hood to interop with Java virtual machine.
👍 72 ⬇️ 2.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Generates the resource file by scanning assets defined in the pubspec.yaml, imitation R file short name.
👍 5 ⬇️ 55K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Dart code builders taking *.graphql documents and SDL to build useful classes.
👍 62 ⬇️ 51
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.
👍 4 ⬇️ 43.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Generates RealmObject classes from Realm data model classes. This package is part of the official Realm Flutter and Realm Dart SDKs.
👍 54 ⬇️ 106
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Experimental support for data classes in Dart using pkg:macros
👍 38 ⬇️ 10.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Stacked Generator is a package dedicated to reduce the boilerplate required to setup a stacked application
👍 43 ⬇️ 4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Gernerating Dart model class from Json files with one command.
👍 39 ⬇️ 852
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Write your code generation functions naturally alongside your normal code. Define and use custom annotations in the same file or project.

👍 39 ⬇️ 642
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Code generator pubspec.yaml.g.dart from pubspec.yaml. Just import `pubspec_generator` and then run `dart run build_runner build`
👍 12 ⬇️ 22.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Generates dependency injection code using the kiwi package to reduce development time.
👍 23 ⬇️ 11.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Generated types for Ferry GraphQL Client
👍 32 ⬇️ 2.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Code generator for the Isar Database. Finds classes annotated with @Collection.
👍 25 ⬇️ 5.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Automatically generate index / barrel / library files with all the export needed for your library.
👍 28 ⬇️ 2.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation for embedding arbitrary file content into Dart code.
👍 30 ⬇️ 4
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Convert JSON to Dart Class withless code generate(build_runner)
👍 26 ⬇️ 2.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Generate barrel files for Dart and Flutter packages with build_runner based on code annotations
👍 22 ⬇️ 4.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Annotations for the Cached code-generator. This package does nothing without Cached.
👍 27 ⬇️ 81
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
flutterfire_gen is a package for automatic code generation for Cloud Firestore. It supports efficient CRUD operations with type-safe interfaces and methods.
👍 24 ⬇️ 243
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Code Generate for flutter_modular. Inject Automation. Annotation @Inject, @Param and @Data.
👍 18 ⬇️ 4.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A tool that uses Dart's Analyzer to generate code on-the-fly.
👍 21 ⬇️ 100
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Dependency Injection generator for your flutter/dart applications. This uses annotations and build_runner.
👍 21 ⬇️ 80
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Simple way to dynamically convert from and to JSON using build-time generators given a type.
👍 19 ⬇️ 1.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
SqfnEntity Model Generator. SQLite ORM for Flutter lets you build and execute SQL commands easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework.
👍 16 ⬇️ 428
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Provides a clean class definition with extra functionality including; copy with, json serializable, tostring, equals that supports inheritance and polymorphism
👍 3 ⬇️ 11K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Portable Dart package to handle data serialization/deserialization efficiently, including a dynamic BytesBuffer to read/write data.
👍 15 ⬇️ 730
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Useful builders for your GraphQL SDL and documents. Based on package:gql_code_builder and package:build
👍 8 ⬇️ 514
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
universal object mapping and serialization library with a focus on dx.
👍 7 ⬇️ 101
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
This is a dart-json-mapper complementary package provides support for MobX Stores to persist as JSON.
👍 7 ⬇️ 8
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A Pure Dart File to Ast Serializer/Deserializer.
👍 6 ⬇️ 773
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A built_value based Converter for Chopper.
👍 2 ⬇️ 3.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
This is a simple package that contains annotations to generate code in doc_widget
👍 5 ⬇️ 44
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A library that generates Dart classes (parse and generator included) from a json string.
👍 5 ⬇️ 23
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Implementation of the borsh serialization scheme
👍 4 ⬇️ 228
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
This is a dart-json-mapper complementary package provides support for flutter types in order to serialize / deserialize them from / to JSON.
👍 1 ⬇️ 2.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library and interface for Brick components. Useful for creating serdes generators for adapters.
👍 2 ⬇️ 358
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Code generator for envify, a better tool to handle environment variables.
👍 1 ⬇️ 995
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library for the Brick Offline First Domain using REST
👍 0 ⬇️ 1.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library for the Brick Offline First Domain
👍 0 ⬇️ 1.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library for the SQLite providers, models, and adapters in Brick
👍 2 ⬇️ 27
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A library intended to bring manual JSON serialization to the Dart projects of all scales.
👍 0 ⬇️ 1.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library for the JSON-like providers, models, and adapters in Brick
👍 0 ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library for the REST providers, models, and adapters in Brick
👍 1 ⬇️ 74
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Assets generator package.
👍 1 ⬇️ 54
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
This is a dart-json-mapper complementary package provides support for built_collection package types in order to serialize / deserialize them from / to JSON.
👍 1 ⬇️ 45
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
This is a dart-json-mapper complementary package provides support for fixnum package types in order to serialize / deserialize them from / to JSON.
👍 1 ⬇️ 37
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Automatically generate code for converting flamingo JSON by annotating Dart classes.
👍 1 ⬇️ 33
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Automatically generate code for converting flamingo JSON by annotating Dart classes.
👍 1 ⬇️ 9
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Annotation used to make a Dart object borsh serializable.
👍 0 ⬇️ 377
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library for the GraphQL providers, models, and adapters in Brick
👍 0 ⬇️ 248
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Code generation library for the Brick Offline First Domain using GraphQL
👍 0 ⬇️ 123
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Utilities for managing CARP Mobile Sensing studies, including generating and uploading a study protocol, informed consent, translations, and messages.
👍 0 ⬇️ 65
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
simple_auth is an http client generator using source_gen and inspired from retrofit and chopper
👍 28 ⬇️ 12
Maintenance Status: Poor
Annotations for framy_generator. This package does nothing without framy_generator.
👍 7 ⬇️ 45
Maintenance Status: Poor
A collection of json utilities to enhance the experience of working with json based models.