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Top Flutter Touch and Gesture packages

Last updated: December 4, 2024

There are many different types of touch gestures that can be used on a touch-screen device. Some of the most common include tapping, flicking, swiping and sliding. Tapping is when you quickly press and release your finger on the screen. Flicking is when you quickly swipe your finger across the screen. Sliding is when you slowly move your finger across the screen.

The complete list of Flutter packages given below can help you trigger various touch and gesture events on Swipe, Touch, Zoom, Pinch, Drag and Drop, etc.

super_drag_and_drop Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 447
Maintenance Status: Good

Native Drag and Drop support for Flutter. Allows dragging contents across applications.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 387
Maintenance Status: Good

A plugin which allows user dragging files to your flutter desktop applications.

flutter_tilt Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 208
Maintenance Status: Good

Easily apply tilt parallax hover effects for Flutter, which supports tilt, light, shadow effects, gyroscope sensors and many custom parameters.

insta_image_viewer Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 122
Maintenance Status: Good

A simple widget for full screen with swipe to dismiss, pinch & zoom.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 78
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter plugin to fully support Haptic feedback with custom pattern.

pinch_zoom_release_unzoom Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 59
Maintenance Status: Good

A Widget to let you have a pinch to zoom that returns to the old size after the pinch has ended. Is very similar to the way you can zoom pictures on instagram

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 54
Maintenance Status: Good

Easy to use, reliable and lightweight gesture detector for Flutter apps. Exposes simple API to react to basic gestures.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 32
Maintenance Status: Good

Craft a visually captivating Flutter web pointer to elevate user interaction and add style to your website. Engage your audience with elegance!

zoom_widget Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 207
Maintenance Status: Average

Widget to zoom on a canvas of modifiable size that a child widget can hold.

tap_builder Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 105
Maintenance Status: Average

A simple widget for building interactive areas.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 47
Maintenance Status: Average

A customized GestureDetector that acts on holding a determined Widget.

flexiges Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 3
Maintenance Status: Average

Flexi is a dynamic, comprehensive Flutter package designed to provide developers with the ability to drop, zoom, rotate, and scale their widgets with ease and precision.Flexi makes it straightforward and efficient.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 224
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter library to add various gesture callbacks to each Shape you draw on your canvas in your CustomPainter

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 158
Maintenance Status: Poor

A simple way to implement pointer based parallax animations on multiple platforms.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 114
Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter package which will help you to create a draggable widget that can be dragged around the screen.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 94
Maintenance Status: Poor

A widget provide a simple way to get child's rectangle information after rendered.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 70
Maintenance Status: Poor

indexed widget, allow you to order the items inside stack, sothing like z-index

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 69
Maintenance Status: Poor

A package to set custom width of iOS back swipe gesture area.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 59
Maintenance Status: Poor

a lightweight gesture detector that supports multiple types(Tap, DoubleTap, Scale, Long-Press, Move) and all callbacks can be used simultaneously

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 56
Maintenance Status: Poor

A package to detect your swipe directions and provides you with callbacks to handle them.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 53
Maintenance Status: Poor

Manually expand the tap area of a widget without changing its size or layout. Similar with the hitTest in iOS development.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 51
Maintenance Status: Poor

Drag and Drop for Dart web apps with mouse and touch support.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 46
Maintenance Status: Poor

Show up to 5 touch indicators where you touch the screen. Useful when giving a demo for an audience or when recording your app.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 44
Maintenance Status: Poor

The easy way to detect swipe up, down, left and right in Flutter.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 43
Maintenance Status: Poor

A simple way to bring drag’n’drop to flutter web. drop_zone is commonly used for file choosing by dragging and dropping a file(s) onto a designated widget. The user can then use the dropped html file(s).

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 29
Maintenance Status: Poor

A ScrollPhysics class that blocks movement in the horizontal axis.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 28
Maintenance Status: Poor

A page transition which supports drag-down-to-pop gesture.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 20
Maintenance Status: Poor

An extensive snap tool/widget for Flutter that allows very flexible snap management and snapping between your widgets.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 16
Maintenance Status: Poor

This widget lets you provide a more visual feedback to users when they interact with your app, similar to TouchableOpacity in React Native.

πŸ‘ 77
Maintenance Status: Poor

A gesture detector mapping translation/rotation/scale gestures to a Matrix4 object.

πŸ‘ 67
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package to detect up, down, left, right swipes.

πŸ‘ 27
Maintenance Status: Poor

A simple and lightweight swipe gesture recognizer for a widget in Flutter.