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Top Flutter Multimedia Utilities packages

Last updated: December 4, 2024

The complete list of Dart and Flutter packages that provide Multimedia Utilities is provided below.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 679
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter plugin that provides album assets abstraction management APIs on Android, iOS, macOS, and OpenHarmony.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 151
Maintenance Status: Good

A new Flutter plugin for record the screen. This plugin can be used for record the screen on android, iOS, and web devices.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 122
Maintenance Status: Good

Get image width and height, the library does not completely decode the image file, just read the metadata to get the image width and height.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 88
Maintenance Status: Good

A compiler to convert SVGs to the binary format used by `package:vector_graphics`.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 78
Maintenance Status: Good

Flutter plugin that fixes the picture orientation when it's took in landscape for some devices.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 70
Maintenance Status: Good

Direct link extractor from URL to stream and download directly.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 61
Maintenance Status: Good

A flutter plugin to get basic metadata information of a video file.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 58
Maintenance Status: Good

A vector graphics rendering package for Flutter using a binary encoding.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 52
Maintenance Status: Good

A package to get youtube video information and thumbnail in multiple quality.

flutter_media_downloader Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 43
Maintenance Status: Good

This plugin helps user to download medias for example pdf files, image files etc.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 42
Maintenance Status: Good

Run FFMPEG CLI commands from Dart.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 41
Maintenance Status: Good

A plugin to read and write exif data of images.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 20
Maintenance Status: Good

A metadata reader for audio files. Support ID3, Vorbis comments and ILST itunes

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 14
Maintenance Status: Good

Ultimate converter between Dart & Flutter images: ui, widgets, package image, ImageProvider, raw bytes, Base64 string. Works in any direction.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 1
Maintenance Status: Good

Banuba Video Editor Flutter plugin.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 441
Maintenance Status: Average

FFmpeg Kit for Flutter. Supports Android, iOS and macOS platforms.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 123
Maintenance Status: Average

Decode Exif metadata from digital image files. Supported formats: TIFF, JPEG, HEIC, PNG, WebP

bitmap Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 96
Maintenance Status: Average

Bitmap is a fast and minimalistic lib that heelps you to manipulate image on Flutter apps.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 50
Maintenance Status: Average

Control a gif using flutter animation controller. You can either specify a fixed duration or set the framerate of the playback.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 45
Maintenance Status: Average

A Flutter library to show images from the Base64, Uint8List and keep them in the cache directory.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 41
Maintenance Status: Average

Determine multimedia file properties like width, height, duration

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 32
Maintenance Status: Average

Flutter package to interact with different regions of an SVG.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 14
Maintenance Status: Average

Video URL Validator will validate Video URLs from Popular Video Platforms.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 70
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter plugin to read metadata of media files.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 69
Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter plugin for extracting and downloading youtube video url

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 49
Maintenance Status: Poor

Dart package for image comparison. Compare images for difference using a variety of algorithms.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 42
Maintenance Status: Poor

youtube_downloader is a Flutter package that allows the developers to download youtube videos in several formats such as mp3 and mp4.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 41
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for exporting picture from video file.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 40
Maintenance Status: Poor

Create direct video links from various websites like youtube, vimeo and many more

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 39
Maintenance Status: Poor

Media scanner is library for scan new Media in Gallery, Only work in Android

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 39
Maintenance Status: Poor

Lyrics Chord parser and renderer for Flutter. It also comes with transpose and auto-scroll features.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 31
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package to get facebook post details and download links.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 27
Maintenance Status: Poor

By using this plugin you can get images, videos, or audios from the local storage.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 24
Maintenance Status: Poor

A lightweight⚑ Flutter package that can fetch basic data from a youtube video url including thumbanail url

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 24
Maintenance Status: Poor

simple dlna client in pure dart,works fine in flutter,do all the job less than 500 lines

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 10
Maintenance Status: Poor

Dart implementation of KdotJPG's OpenSimplex2 noise algorithms.

πŸ‘ 54
Maintenance Status: Poor

gif image widget help to control gif progress,speed,repeat frames .

πŸ‘ 31
Maintenance Status: Poor

A library for retrieving the metadata and contents of the images, videos, and albums on a mobile device.

πŸ‘ 19
Maintenance Status: Poor

Convert network image to byte data as type Uint8List

πŸ‘ 12
Maintenance Status: Poor

Simple Dart tool to parse M3U and M3U_Plus files from a string or document string.