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Top Flutter Bluetooth, NFC, Beacon packages

Last updated: December 4, 2024

Bluetooth, Near Field Communication (NFC), Beacon and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are technology standards for exchanging data between two electronic devices, one or both of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone, over short distances. This technology has major applications in the healthcare, fitness, shopping, security, and home entertainment industries.

Following Dart and Flutter packages can help you add Bluetooth, NFC, Beacon, BLE and other communication feature to your app.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 1K
Maintenance Status: Good

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, and MacOS.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 585
Maintenance Status: Good

Reactive Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) plugin that can communicate with multiple devices

Dart 3 compatible 👍 453
Maintenance Status: Good

Flutter plugin for accessing the NFC features on Android and iOS.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 223
Maintenance Status: Good

Provide NFC functionality on Android, iOS & Web, including reading metadata, read & write NDEF records, and transceive layer 3 & 4 data with NFC tags / cards

Dart 3 compatible 👍 124
Maintenance Status: Good

Plugin for the android NearbyConnections API. Bytes and Files Supported.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 91
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter plugin for controlling the bluetooth low energy, supports central and peripheral roles.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 86
Maintenance Status: Good

Nearby Service Flutter Plugin is used to create connections in a P2P network. Supports sending text messages and files.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 56
Maintenance Status: Good

This plugin enables a device to be set into peripheral mode, and advertise custom services and characteristics.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 47
Maintenance Status: Good

A library to use the web bluetooth api in your web project. Will play nice if used in IO projects.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 46
Maintenance Status: Good

A cross-platform (Android/iOS/macOS/Windows/Linux/Web) Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) plugin for Flutter

Dart 3 compatible 👍 39
Maintenance Status: Good

simple and easy to use flutter plugin package for proximity sensor (only)

Dart 3 compatible 👍 38
Maintenance Status: Good

Use the WinBle plugin to enable Bluetooth Low Energy in Flutter Windows and pure Dart projects (Windows only)

Dart 3 compatible 👍 37
Maintenance Status: Good

Provides a client to connect to BlueZ - the Linux Bluetooth stack.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 4
Maintenance Status: Good

Nearby Service Data Communication allows apps to easily discover nearby devices and set up communication with them using technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 2
Maintenance Status: Good

CARP connectivity sampling package. Samples connectivity status, bluetooth devices, and wifi access points.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 25
Maintenance Status: Average

A Flutter plugin that simplifies the provisioning configuration of ESP32 modules using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Dart 3 compatible 👍 987
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicating with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android and iOS

Dart 3 compatible 👍 351
Maintenance Status: Poor

A basic Flutter Bluetooth Serial library

Dart 3 compatible 👍 99
Maintenance Status: Poor

A cross-platform BluetoothLE plugin for Flutter.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 83
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter plugin for scanning and transmit as beacon (iBeacon) on Android and iOS.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 74
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter plugin that allows to find bluetooth devices & send raw bytes data

Dart 3 compatible 👍 64
Maintenance Status: Poor

This plugin makes it easier to scan nearby iBeacons and range them in flutter app. Scaned beacons will provide proximity values.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 41
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter plugin for turning your device into a beacon. Plugin uses AltBeacon library for Android and CoreLocation for iOS.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 28
Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter plugin for bluetooth ble device connect and control.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 26
Maintenance Status: Poor

Communication between Watch and Android/iOS Device.

👍 123
Maintenance Status: Poor

FlutterBle Library is a flutter library that supports BLE operations. It uses MultiPlatformBleAdapter as a native backend..

👍 108
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter plugin to read and write NFC tags on both Android and iOS. Currently it only supports reading NDEF formatted tags.

👍 45
Maintenance Status: Poor

A nfc reader plugin for iOS and Android. This plugin allow you to trigger NFC native reading session on device.

👍 37
Maintenance Status: Poor

Bluetooth plugin for Flutter

👍 22
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter plugin to expose the features of Bluetooth Adapter for only Android.