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Top Flutter Linter packages

Last updated: October 21, 2024

Linting is a process of checking code for potential errors or formatting issues. Linting rules are a set of guidelines that can be used to automatically check code for potential problems. These rules can be customized to fit the needs of a particular project or team.

The complete list of Dart and Flutter packages that provide Linters, help manage Lint Rules and perform Linting for your Flutter project is provided below.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 1.17K
Maintenance Status: Good

Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 847
Maintenance Status: Good

An opinionated, community-driven set of lint rules for Dart and Flutter projects. Like pedantic but stricter

Dart 3 compatible 👍 644
Maintenance Status: Good

Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used internally at Very Good Ventures.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 236
Maintenance Status: Good

Official Dart lint rules. Defines the 'core' and 'recommended' set of lints suggested by the Dart team.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 73
Maintenance Status: Good

[mono edition] Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 54
Maintenance Status: Good

Robust, high-quality lint rules used at LeanCode.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 53
Maintenance Status: Good

Lint rules for "Surf" company for Dart and Flutter projects.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 51
Maintenance Status: Good

Lints for Dart and Flutter based on software industry standards and best practices.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 31
Maintenance Status: Good

Flutter and Dart lint rules used at iteo

Dart 3 compatible 👍 28
Maintenance Status: Good

Dart and Flutter static code analysis, but not for the faint hearted. This code tries to turn all violations in to red squiggly lines

Dart 3 compatible 👍 27
Maintenance Status: Good

The Import Lint package defines import lint rules and report on lints found in Dart code.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 9
Maintenance Status: Good

Flame lint package

Dart 3 compatible 👍 7
Maintenance Status: Good

Linting tool for Dart and Flutter projects to encourage good coding practices.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 3
Maintenance Status: Good

The lint rules used in developing Amplify Flutter packages and plugins.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 25
Maintenance Status: Average

Lint rules for Flutter and Dart, created for the open source projects of the Flutterando Community.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 22
Maintenance Status: Average

Stricter Dart analyzer linter settings and best practices.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 8
Maintenance Status: Average

A collection of lints and code edits to enforce UI standards within a codebase. Built with Sidecar.

👍 260
Maintenance Status: Good

Riverpod_lint is a developer tool for users of Riverpod, designed to help stop common issues and simplify repetitive tasks.

👍 201
Maintenance Status: Good

Lint rules are a powerful way to improve the maintainability of a project. Custom Lint allows package authors and developers to easily write custom lint rules.