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Top Flutter Math Utilities packages

Last updated: April 2, 2024

The complete list of Dart and Flutter packages that provide functions and utilities related to Mathematics, Scientific, Finance and Statistics, is provided below.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 313
Maintenance Status: Good

The decimal package allows you to deal with decimal numbers without losing precision.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 299
Maintenance Status: Good

A library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions, supporting real numbers, vectors, and basic interval arithmetic.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 166
Maintenance Status: Good

Helper math class for easily creating Matrix4 transformations, that you can use in Container's transform parameter and elsewhere.

flutter_simple_calculator Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 95
Maintenance Status: Good

Flutter widget that provides simple calculator. You can easily integrate a calculator to your apps.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 94
Maintenance Status: Good

Graph algorithms that operate on graphs in any representation

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 77
Maintenance Status: Good

A library to parse and evaluate simple dart and javascript like expressions.

equations Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 76
Maintenance Status: Good

An equation-solving library that also works with complex numbers and fractions.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 66
Maintenance Status: Good

A simple library for parsing strings into callable function-trees.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 62
Maintenance Status: Good

Class definitions for pseudo-lists that simplify working with structures commonly encountered in combinatorics such as permutations, combinations and subsets.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 62
Maintenance Status: Good

Calculate the difference between two lists as list of edit operations. Used for example for implicitly animating Flutter lists without having to maintain a StatefulWidget.

ml_linalg Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 61
Maintenance Status: Good

SIMD-based linear algebra and statistics, efficient manipulation with numeric data

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 56
Maintenance Status: Good

Initial version comes with the 3 main Classes. SphericalUtils, MathUtils and PolyUtils, calculating bounds, distances headings and many more.

fraction Card Image
Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 55
Maintenance Status: Good

A package that helps you work with fractions and mixed fractions.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 53
Maintenance Status: Good

Simple and light units conversion package for all your needs.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 36
Maintenance Status: Good

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) library that can handle inputs of any size. Includes related tools such as STFT and convolution.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 29
Maintenance Status: Good

Calculate common statistical values for a set of numbers: max, min, mean, median, standard deviation, and standard error.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 26
Maintenance Status: Good

An ongoing effort to port the Java Topology Suite to the dart programming language and make it available to its mobile, dektop and web environments.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 23
Maintenance Status: Good

Statistics package for easy and efficient data manipulation with built-in Bayesian Network (Bayes Net), many mathematical functions and tools.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 284
Maintenance Status: Average

A Vector Math library for 2D and 3D applications.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 114
Maintenance Status: Average

Cross-platform scientific library for Dart. The main goal of SciDart is run where Dart can run, in other words, run on Flutter, Dart CLI, Dart web, etc.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 39
Maintenance Status: Average

Matrix 2D is a package for mathematical 2D array functions and manipulations in Dart, similar to NumPy

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 32
Maintenance Status: Average

Library to calculate prayer times for muslims. Based on precise astronomical formula.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 28
Maintenance Status: Average

Chance Dart is a free Open Source project that lets you create random strings, integers, and other things to help with tiresome tasks, especially when building automated tests.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 25
Maintenance Status: Average

A New Flutter Plugin for Converting the Currencies Dynamic and contain multi currency very easy to use.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 13
Maintenance Status: Average

The rational package allows you to deal with rational numbers.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 0
Maintenance Status: Average

Calculate standard and non-standard atmosphere properties and speed conversions. Uses 1976 US Standard Atmosphere definitions.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 52
Maintenance Status: Poor

A 2D BΓ©zier curve math library.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 33
Maintenance Status: Poor

First-class support for angles, polar coordinates, and more.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 33
Maintenance Status: Poor

Easy hexadecimal convertion using dart:convert API.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 26
Maintenance Status: Poor

Library for parsing and evaluating simple expression language with additional references

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 25
Maintenance Status: Poor

Currency type for Dart and Flutter, a large numeric type, with exactly four digit after the decimal point, appropriate for financial calculations.

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 24
Maintenance Status: Poor

Extension methods & helpers for Random, and a globally accessible instance. Ex. rnd(10), rnd.getItem(list), rnd.getBit(0.8).

Dart 3 compatible πŸ‘ 18
Maintenance Status: Poor

Utility library for handling angles in radians, degrees and turns.

πŸ‘ 30
Maintenance Status: Poor

A multi-platform API to retrieve quote information and prices for stocks (e.g. Amazon, Google), commodities (e.g. Gold, Oil) and crypto-currencies (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum).

πŸ‘ 29
Maintenance Status: Poor

A library for checking if given point(s) is present inside Polygon or not.

πŸ‘ 25
Maintenance Status: Poor

Library that add functionality of all maths sections that don't exist in dart:math.