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Top Flutter App Bar and Action Bar packages

Last updated: December 4, 2024

An App bar is the top-most component in a Flutter app that is used for branding, screen titles, navigation, and actions. The action items typically represented by icons or text provide easy access to common actions within an app. An app bar can also transform into a contextual action bar base on the context.

In Flutter, one can also add a Sliver app bar that creates a flexible and responsive app bar which can be used in a variety of scenarios.

Some of the most popular Flutter packages to create and customize App Bar, Sliver App Bar and Action Bar are provided below.

flutter_custom_tabs Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 232
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter plugin for mobile apps to launch a URL in Custom Tabs/SFSafariViewController.

super_cupertino_navigation_bar Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 159
Maintenance Status: Good

Elevate your Flutter app's aesthetics with a collapsible app bar, stylish search bar animation, and versatile design inspired by iOS.

sliver_snap Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 72
Maintenance Status: Good

Allows you to use powerful snapping slivers with expanded and collapsed bars.

app_bar_with_search_switch Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 52
Maintenance Status: Good

An extension for AppBar which can switch it into search field.

rubber_app_bar Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 10
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter package that provides a custom widget for having a rubber app bar that stretches and contracts while scrolling.

draggable_home Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 711
Maintenance Status: Average

Draggable is a library for adding a beautiful draggable home page

sliver_app_bar_builder Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 102
Maintenance Status: Average

A truly customizable sliver for app bars with the benefit of using builders.

contextualactionbar Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 66
Maintenance Status: Average

A Contextual Action Bar(CAB) workaround for flutter. CAB is a top app bar that replace the app app bar and provide contextual actions to selected items

background_app_bar Card Image
Dart 3 compatible 👍 43
Maintenance Status: Average

A background app bar plugin, use this plugin if you want to preserve background of sliver app bar when scrolling,

Dart 3 compatible 👍 159
Maintenance Status: Poor

A powerful extension library of Sliver, which include SliverPinnedPersistentHeader, SliverPinnedToBoxAdapter and ExtendedSliverAppbar.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 63
Maintenance Status: Poor

AppBar which changes the content with scrolling rate. Enables to implement "Large Title"

Dart 3 compatible 👍 58
Maintenance Status: Poor

Library to help you create animated text and background colors when scrolled.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 47
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package to create a Romantic Collapsing Toolbar.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 45
Maintenance Status: Poor

Fluent AppBar is a package to recreate the iOS large text title bar with a Material design

Dart 3 compatible 👍 32
Maintenance Status: Poor

You can create a large appbar and make a smooth fade effect by swiping.

Dart 3 compatible 👍 27
Maintenance Status: Poor

AppBar which can dynamically change height with page navigation.

👍 98
Maintenance Status: Poor

Hide or show app bar while scrolling. This package works without custom scroll view and slivers.

👍 83
Maintenance Status: Poor

A flexible sliver header delegate that allows easily customize your SliverHeader

👍 77
Maintenance Status: Poor

A wrapper widget allowing to place a widget on the edge of FlexibleSpacebar

👍 60
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package to create a SliverAppBar with a Card with action button and back button, excellent to show catalog items.

👍 38
Maintenance Status: Poor

Scaling header(appBar) with scroll interactions

👍 38
Maintenance Status: Poor

The official AppBar, with a more colorful twist. Add gradients to spice up your application and make it beautiful.

👍 25
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter Package for Decorating Your AppBar and Adding Extra Widgets

👍 17
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter Widget for an AppBar that is initially flush with the body and elevated when scrolled.