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Top Flutter Grid packages

Last updated: February 25, 2025

A Grid is a user interface that is organized into a grid. This type of UI is often used for applications that require a lot of data to be displayed in a clean, responsive and organized way.

The complete list of Flutter packages that can be used to add Grid, Staggered Grid, GridView, Drag and Drop Grids to your Flutter app is provided below.

flutter_staggered_grid_view Card Image
👍 4.5K   ⬇️ 847.4K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Provides a collection of Flutter grids layouts (staggered, masonry, quilted, woven, etc.).

flutter_layout_grid Card Image
👍 800   ⬇️ 139.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A powerful grid layout system for Flutter, optimized for complex user interface design.

boxy Card Image
👍 668   ⬇️ 33.8K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Overcome limitations of built-in layouts, advanced flex, custom multi-child layouts, slivers, and more!

multi_split_view Card Image
👍 299   ⬇️ 14.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Provides horizontal or vertical multiple split view for Flutter.

dashboard Card Image
👍 211   ⬇️ 1.9K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Dynamic dashboard widget that allows your users to create their own layouts. Resize, move, indirect resize/move, auto re-layout are supported.

flutter_reorderable_grid_view Card Image
👍 196   ⬇️ 18.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Enables animated GridViews when updating children or when trying to reorder them by using drag and drop.

waterfall_flow Card Image
👍 185   ⬇️ 8.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter grid view that build waterfall flow layout quickly.

reorderable_grid_view Card Image
👍 158   ⬇️ 26.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Reorderable Grid View

drag_select_grid_view Card Image
👍 167   ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Grid that supports both dragging and tapping to select its items.

responsive_grid_list Card Image
👍 135   ⬇️ 12.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A Flutter plugin to create responsive grid lists using ListView.builder() or SliverList with a SliverChildBuilderDelegate.

animated_reorderable_list Card Image
👍 130   ⬇️ 4.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter Reorderable Animated List with simple implementation and smooth transition.

reorderable_grid Card Image
👍 122   ⬇️ 7.7K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A full reorderable grid implementations similar to flutter's native reorderable list.

dynamic_height_grid_view Card Image
👍 107   ⬇️ 12K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

GridView with dynamic height. No need to specify aspectRatio to the grid.

flutter_draggable_gridview Card Image
👍 116   ⬇️ 2.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

This package helps you to add drag & drop functionality to existing Gridview.builder.

👍 86   ⬇️ 240
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter NineGridView & DragSortView, Similar to Weibo / WeChat nine grid view controls to display pictures.

👍 73   ⬇️ 179
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

List animations to track your scroll changes on screen or your list first attachment to animated your list items with different transition rules.

simple_grid Card Image
👍 71   ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A dynamic grid inspired by boostrap, you can use it to describe your grid layout. This package purely using mediaquery, don't worry about the render.

👍 63   ⬇️ 1.9K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Custom grid widget that allows it's cells to span columns and rows and supports editing.

👍 42   ⬇️ 2.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter Masonry Grid layout to create masonry, staggered items layout.

👍 43   ⬇️ 464
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter masonry grid layout to display a list of any number of columns. Also, it can be customized with the item padding and border radius.

👍 34   ⬇️ 8.2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

This package provides a customizable, responsive grid view widget for building dynamic layouts with variable height items. It automatically adjusts the height of each grid item based on its content.

👍 36   ⬇️ 52
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Implement designs just like your designer intended. Use either the classic responsive design grid approach or go with the Material Design Layout.

👍 33   ⬇️ 1.8K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Create a staggered grid.

👍 34   ⬇️ 48
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A generic item selector that works with ListView, GridView, Row, Column, or basically any parent widget that can have indexed child widgets.

reorderable_staggered_scroll_view Card Image
👍 32   ⬇️ 120
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter package for creating reorderable staggered grid views.

👍 29   ⬇️ 353
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

IntrinsicGridView is a custom GridView, It provides 2D array of children with Intrinsic width and height. Having two named Constructors. horizontal and vertical

figma_layout_grid Card Image
👍 29   ⬇️ 239
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Visual aid grid system that supports Figma's layout grid features

ad_gridview Card Image
👍 25   ⬇️ 90
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A flutter widget to easily show Native Ad or any other Widget in Between a GridView.

👍 20   ⬇️ 52
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

An extensive snap tool/widget for Flutter that allows very flexible snap management and snapping between your widgets.

👍 3   ⬇️ 32
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A simple and lightweight Flutter package to create a grid view with animatable tiles

👍 138   ⬇️ 560

Maintenance Status: Poor

This is a custom Flutter widget that can create a draggable BoardView or also known as a kanban. The view can be reordered with drag and drop.

👍 128   ⬇️ 1.3K

Maintenance Status: Poor

A Layout widget displaying a set of bricks (widgets with different shapes) as a vertical or horizontal list, like a wall...

👍 101   ⬇️ 74

Maintenance Status: Poor

Drag And Drop GridView extends the functionality of the GridView widget in Flutter and gives you the freedom of creating a reorder the GridViewItems simple by Drag And Drop.

👍 54   ⬇️ 285

Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package for staggered grid view or ListView with ordering support

👍 21   ⬇️ 48

Maintenance Status: Poor

A dragable gridview,Long-pressed triggers draggable state,GridView reordering after release your finger

👍 16   ⬇️ 36

Maintenance Status: Poor

A responsive grid view that changes it's cross axis child count based on the available horizontal size.