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Top Flutter Widget Library and UI Framework packages

Last updated: February 25, 2025

A widget library is a collection of pre-built widgets, usually having a unique theme or style, that can be used directly in a Flutter application. A widget library typically includes a variety of different widgets, each of which can be customized to meet the specific needs of a project. Sometimes these widget libraries are also known as UI frameworks, as they provide a set of reusable components, styles, and other assets that can be used to build user interfaces for Flutter apps. The term "framework" in this case refers to the fact that these libraries provide a structure for building user interfaces, rather than being a complete solution on their own.

The complete list of Flutter packages that are Widget Libraries or UI Frameworks is provided below.

👍 78   ⬇️ 2.9M
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A mustache template library that supports dart2js and dart2native

flutter_platform_widgets Card Image
👍 1.24K   ⬇️ 47.4K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Simplifying the use of both Material and Cupertino widgets with a single widget

👍 875   ⬇️ 14.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Simplifying your widget tree structure by defining widget using methods. Taking ispiration from CSS and SwiftUI

👍 471   ⬇️ 7.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

shadcn-ui ported in Flutter. Awesome UI components for Flutter, fully customizable.

👍 447   ⬇️ 16K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Collection of Widgets and helpful Methods that every developer needs.

assorted_layout_widgets Card Image
👍 334   ⬇️ 22.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Widgets like SideBySide, ColumnSuper, RowSuper, FitHorizontally, Box, WrapSuper, TextOneLine, Delayed, Pad, ButtonBarSuper, NormalizedOverflowBox, showDialogSuper etc.

desktop Card Image
👍 162   ⬇️ 239
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Flutter design standard for desktop. Just simple, usable wigdets to create apps. See the gallery for examples of the components used.

bruno Card Image
👍 160   ⬇️ 522
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

An enterprise-class package of Flutter components for mobile applications.

👍 157   ⬇️ 203
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

UI Library for Flutter and Firebase to build app quickly

forui Card Image
👍 155   ⬇️ 829
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Beautifully designed, minimalistic widgets for desktop & touch devices.

flutter_glow Card Image
👍 150   ⬇️ 1.7K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

complete and easy to use flutter glow ui kit that help you to create and use glow widgets. also you can create your own GlowTheme.

shadcn_flutter Card Image
👍 122   ⬇️ 1.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Beautifully designed components from Shadcn/UI is now available for Flutter

👍 123   ⬇️ 76
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Responsive UI framework for web and desktop - Top menu, responsive master/detail panes and context menu with keyboard shortcuts.

neon_widgets Card Image
👍 98   ⬇️ 372
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

The complete neon solution. This package provides Neon widgets with and without flicker effect.

quds_ui_kit Card Image
👍 97   ⬇️ 23
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Flutter UI kit [(animating icons, buttons, texts, counter, digital clock) - page transitions - toasts - dialogs- pagination - splash screen ...etc ]

nes_ui Card Image
👍 86   ⬇️ 807
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

UI library inspired by old retro video game console

groovin_widgets Card Image
👍 80   ⬇️ 644
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A Flutter widget library containing custom widgets.

libadwaita Card Image
👍 79   ⬇️ 149
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Libadwaita's widgets for Flutter. Following Gnome HIG and available on all platforms.

👍 65   ⬇️ 749
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

The Widget Toolkit package consists of several lightweight and customisable UI components that boost productivity and reduce the development time.

tdesign_flutter Card Image
👍 63   ⬇️ 1.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Tencent TDesign UI component library of Flutter, suitable for use in mobile projects.

flutter_plus Card Image
👍 55   ⬇️ 116
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Create customized Containers/Buttons/TextFields/Texts/RichTexts in a few lines. Navigate between Screens and open BottomSheets/Dialogs/Snackbars without context and more!

node_editor Card Image
👍 52   ⬇️ 63
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Node editor package

inspireui Card Image
👍 45   ⬇️ 1.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Common useful and Widget Use For FluxStore Products (Flutter E-Commerce App)

shirne_dialog Card Image
👍 42   ⬇️ 179
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A flutter package to use alert, toast, popup, snack, imagePreview, loading etc. with customizable style in anywhere.

👍 39   ⬇️ 191
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

FSuper can help developers build complex views quickly and comfortably.

👍 37   ⬇️ 11
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter UI Toolkit is a pre-built collection of the most used widgets to create apps. The idea is that you can use these widgets the way you use classes in HTML and CSS.

👍 35   ⬇️ 1.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Useful platform aware widgets to develop a Flutter app with either Cupertino and Material design.

fast_ui_kit Card Image
👍 36   ⬇️ 130
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Fast UI Kit is a UI kit for fast development of applications in flutter

👍 30   ⬇️ 309
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A simple yet best tailwind style generation cli tool for flutter projects.

👍 27   ⬇️ 43
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Custom flutter widgets for awesome projects and apps.

👍 24   ⬇️ 377
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Some practical Widget for flutter, Popover, Weui, Custom Keyboard

👍 21   ⬇️ 98
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

common UI toolkit to clean your code and use it easily and reusable code.

👍 17   ⬇️ 346
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A package with stream based Flutter Widgets that facilitate an reactive programming style.

👍 15   ⬇️ 231
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A web UI framework inspired by React. The main building blocks are components, which can be implemented as classes or functions.

👍 11   ⬇️ 30
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

os_ui helps you to showcase your project or play with computer OS interface for any kind of projects.

👍 8   ⬇️ 52
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

This Flutter plugin provides some flutter widgets having gesture handlers their don't natively have in Flutter.

👍 8   ⬇️ 34
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

device_in helps you to showcase your project or play with Mobile OS interface for any kind of projects.

flui_nullsafety Card Image
👍 3   ⬇️ 77
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

FLUI is a powerful UI framework for Google Flutter. Including widgets kit and useful modules.

👍 2.42K   ⬇️ 96.9K

Maintenance Status: Good

GetWidget is open source library that come with pre-build 1000+ UI components. It makes development faster & more enjoyable. You can customize the component as per your need.

👍 138   ⬇️ 49

Maintenance Status: Poor

FLUI is a powerful UI framework for Google Flutter. Including widgets kit and useful modules.

👍 117   ⬇️ 29

Maintenance Status: Poor

A collection of desktop-first widgets and themes designed to look and feel great on Mac and Windows.

👍 93   ⬇️ 62

Maintenance Status: Poor

A basic UI toolkit to get you started with flutter application development. A collection of over 18+ custom widgets such as Calendar, Buttons with busy indicator and more.

👍 82   ⬇️ 269

Maintenance Status: Good

Api Services, Snackbar, Toast, No Context Extension, Custom Widgets, Widget Extensions, Fast Tools, IOS Style Widget and Tools.

👍 81   ⬇️ 383

Maintenance Status: Good

Lets you use a serializable style to make customizable and animated widgets.

👍 76   ⬇️ 77

Maintenance Status: Poor

A set of high-level Flutter UI components and stand-alone widgets that helps building your app.

👍 65   ⬇️ 129

Maintenance Status: Poor

UI widgets with gradient support. Supports many widgets like Elevated/TextButton, FloatingActionButton, Icon, IconButton, Text, SelectableText etc with more to come.

👍 61   ⬇️ 139

Maintenance Status: Poor

Arna is a set of widgets designed to be simple and easy to use for building applications with Flutter.

👍 57   ⬇️ 45

Maintenance Status: Poor

Huge collection of icons and gadgets utilized and ready for flutter projects.

👍 45   ⬇️ 87

Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter package for faster UI developement and provide responsiveness for flutter web applications and has multiple extensions.

👍 41   ⬇️ 53

Maintenance Status: Poor

Platform specific Widgets and UI toolkit

👍 41   ⬇️ 52

Maintenance Status: Poor

This repo is for anything that can be reusable in flutter like custom widgets , animations and more.

👍 37   ⬇️ 159

Maintenance Status: Poor

Simple flutter widget from Bootstrap v5 component, including responsive grid layout based on bootstrap grid system

👍 32   ⬇️ 88

Maintenance Status: Poor

UI Package for developing UI faster and more efficiently in Flutter

👍 20   ⬇️ 73

Maintenance Status: Poor

A package of widgets and utils to make flutter easy and smart.

👍 18   ⬇️ 257

Maintenance Status: Poor

app essentials - common app infrastructure for localizations, ui messages, state management, useful extensions, rest api

👍 11   ⬇️ 3.6K

Maintenance Status: Poor

Material Design components for AngularDart.