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Top Flutter WebView packages

Last updated: February 25, 2025

WebView objects allow you to display web content as part of your activity layout, but lack some of the features of fully-developed browsers. A WebView is useful when you need increased control over the UI and advanced configuration options that will allow you to embed web pages in a specially-designed environment for your app.

The complete list of Flutter WebView, Web Browser, HTML View and PWA packages is provided below.

👍 4.28K   ⬇️ 1.9M
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget backed by the system webview.

👍 179   ⬇️ 5.4M
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Lightweight browser API bindings built around JS interop.

👍 2.62K   ⬇️ 808.7K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use an headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.

👍 725   ⬇️ 5.9K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview.

webviewx Card Image
👍 264   ⬇️ 6.6K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A feature-rich cross-platform webview using webview_flutter for mobile and iframe for web. JS interop-ready.

webview_windows Card Image
👍 223   ⬇️ 34.7K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A WebView2-powered webview implementation for the Windows platform.

pointer_interceptor Card Image
👍 244   ⬇️ 10.8K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A widget to prevent clicks from being swallowed by underlying HtmlElementViews on the web.

👍 209   ⬇️ 48.4K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Show a webview window on your flutter desktop application.

👍 41   ⬇️ 222.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

WidgetFactory extension to render IFRAME with the official WebView plugin.

easy_web_view Card Image
👍 194   ⬇️ 4.6K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A super simple webview for Flutter Web, Mobile and Desktop

👍 152   ⬇️ 14.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

An extension of webview_flutter to load local HTML,CSS and Javascript from Assets or Strings and much more.

👍 127   ⬇️ 523
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget on web.

👍 46   ⬇️ 79.7K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A cross-platform webview using webview_flutter for mobile and iFrame for web.

👍 90   ⬇️ 21.2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A flutter plugin project to open a web page with Chrome Custom Tabs & SFSafariViewController.

👍 87   ⬇️ 2.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter package that allows you to prompt mobile web users to install your Flutter app as a PWA

👍 84   ⬇️ 62
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget who Support photo upload/take camera and Geolocation.

webview_cef Card Image
👍 76   ⬇️ 131
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Flutter Desktop Webview backed by CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework).

👍 70   ⬇️ 371
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A web browser widget. Unlike webview_flutter, comes with cross-platform navigation and URL sharing widgets. Works in Android, iOS, browsers, and other platforms.

👍 55   ⬇️ 592
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Dart bindings for webview, A tiny cross-platform webview library to build modern cross-platform GUIs

👍 48   ⬇️ 2.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

a webview widget with full-platform support, based on the existing packages

👍 46   ⬇️ 0
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Show a webview window on your flutter cross platform android, ios, linux, macos, web, windows.

👍 43   ⬇️ 444
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Provide a widget to easily embed social media post in flutter using web embed feature by the platform.

👍 30   ⬇️ 28
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

This plugin was made for developer to convert any webcontent, web uri to image bitmap or pdf file. This plugin use WebView on android, WKWebView on Ios and chromium for desktop support.

👍 28   ⬇️ 151
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget on Android and iOS.

👍 25   ⬇️ 3.2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

JavaScript bindings for the Service Worker API.

👍 17   ⬇️ 61
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A Webview Flutter plugin of Tencent X5 Kernel,Improving WebView browsing experience,Support Android Platform Only.

👍 3   ⬇️ 24
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter plugin to add Text-To-Speech Support in Flutter WebView Android

👍 2   ⬇️ 48
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Add Bluetooth Low Energy Support in WebView Flutter for Android and iOS

👍 2   ⬇️ 30
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good


👍 26   ⬇️ 77

Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter Plugin to render html, Flutter has no default support to render html so this package helps you to render your html to native widgets

👍 23   ⬇️ 62

Maintenance Status: Poor

Progressive Web App library

👍 1   ⬇️ 61

Maintenance Status: Poor

Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native WebView.