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Top Flutter Floating Action Button packages

Last updated: February 25, 2025

A floating action button (FAB) is a circular button that triggers a primary action in a Flutter app. It is versatile and can also be used to add a quick access menu and is generally placed in the bottom right corner of the screen.

The complete list of Flutter packages that can help you add Floating Action Button (FAB), Floating Action Bar, Floating Action Button Menu, Animated Floating Action Button or any other customized and specialized Floating Action Button to your app is provided below.

flutter_speed_dial Card Image
👍 1.28K   ⬇️ 92.6K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Flutter plugin to implement a beautiful and dynamic Material Design Speed Dial with labels, animated icons, multi-directional children and much more.

circular_menu Card Image
👍 494   ⬇️ 3.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A simple animated circular menu for Flutter, Adjustable radius, colors, alignment, animation curve and animation duration.

flutter_expandable_fab Card Image
👍 309   ⬇️ 20.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

The speed dial FAB (Floating Action Button) that can animate the display and hiding of multiple action buttons.

👍 304   ⬇️ 15.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A animated menu using a floating action button , the aesthetic of the menu items are fully customisable

draggable_float_widget Card Image
👍 87   ⬇️ 220K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

This is a draggable and floating Flutter widget, which can control its visibility through the scrolling event of ScrollView.

flutter_floating_bottom_bar Card Image
👍 251   ⬇️ 614
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A flutter package that allows showing a floating widget that can be used as a tab bar, bottom navigation bar, etc. The widget reacts to scrolling events too.

👍 239   ⬇️ 46
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Custom animated stacked pages, to create customisable side menu buttons.

👍 212   ⬇️ 132
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

This is an easy to Implement Flutter Package for Spin Circle Bottom Navigation Bar

👍 163   ⬇️ 2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A customizable floating action button menu that will pop up small fabs on top

floating_draggable_widget Card Image
👍 113   ⬇️ 6.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A flutter package for floating draggable widget. By this package a developer can implement a widget which can be draggable inside the screen freely.

👍 112   ⬇️ 1.2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Allows you to create a collapsible list of float buttons. Based on Agung Surya's tutorial.

floating_bottom_bar Card Image
👍 110   ⬇️ 554
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

This package provides sliding animation to floating action button located at the center and bottom tab button.

👍 86   ⬇️ 1.8K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A simple speed dial for Flutter. You can use as many speed dial options as you want. You can use labels next to the speed dial options. Colors of every fab can be set.

👍 59   ⬇️ 3.2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Draggable FAB wrapper widget which can dragged to any edge of the screen.

flutter_scrolling_fab_animated Card Image
👍 60   ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

Package to add a floating button whose change of size when scroll down

drag_ball Card Image
👍 47   ⬇️ 212
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter package similiar AssistiveTouch on Iphone.

radial_button Card Image
👍 46   ⬇️ 518
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

The purpose of Radial Button is facilitating the creation for FloatingActionButton and for the purpose that you need, using complete circle, semi-circle.

👍 39   ⬇️ 382
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

This is a library that implements the Speed Dial Float Action Button in Flutter. Fell Free to colaborate, every PR is welcome!

fab_circular_menu_plus Card Image
👍 38   ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button.

👍 38   ⬇️ 827
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Allows you to create a collapsible list of float buttons.

👍 36   ⬇️ 386
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A bunch of FloatingActionButtons to consist speed dial in arc shape

👍 33   ⬇️ 219
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

highly customizable complex radial animation without any boilerplate code.

floating_menu_panel Card Image
👍 27   ⬇️ 160
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Floating menu panel

👍 26   ⬇️ 155
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

This Flutter package provides a Expandable and Draggable Floating Button with animation.

👍 26   ⬇️ 123
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

This plugin allows you to create a FloatingActionButton with multiple options.

👍 26   ⬇️ 75
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A dart package that helps to display a menu of items using FAB

👍 26   ⬇️ 37
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter package to implement an animated FAB with a scrollable Menu.

form_floating_action_button Card Image
👍 21   ⬇️ 55
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A Floating Action Button that can be used in forms to provide loading and validation feedback

👍 20   ⬇️ 78
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

An animated bottom reveal widget.

👍 130   ⬇️ 39

Maintenance Status: Poor

Floating panel helps you create easy floating menu which you can drag and drop to any edge of the screen (horizontally).

👍 125   ⬇️ 40

Maintenance Status: Poor

A floating action button that expands itself to reveal its hidden widget. it can also be used as a NavigationBar or a floatingSpaceBar

👍 123   ⬇️ 290

Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter plugin to implement a Boom Menu, with icons, title, sub title, animated FAB Icon and hide on scrolling.

👍 80   ⬇️ 120

Maintenance Status: Poor

Easily create your floating menu using horizontal or vertical floating button lists

👍 62   ⬇️ 49

Maintenance Status: Poor

Flutter plugin to implement a Material Design Speed Dial

👍 34   ⬇️ 57

Maintenance Status: Poor

Allows you to create a collapsible list of float buttons.

👍 32   ⬇️ 40

Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package that provides a widget with a row or column of floating action buttons.

👍 18   ⬇️ 47

Maintenance Status: Poor

The Draggable Floating Action Button (aka. DFAB) can be created just like the Floating Action Button, but it also has a few cool features in addition.

👍 17   ⬇️ 23

Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter radial menu opening and revealing icons in a circle