Flutter Gems is a curated list of 6700+ useful Dart & Flutter packages that are categorized based on functionality.
Top Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar packages
Last updated: February 25, 2025
Bottom Navigation Bar is a navigation component displaying three to five destinations at the bottom of a screen. Each destination is usually represented by an icon and an optional text label. When a bottom navigation icon is tapped, the user is taken to the top-level navigation destination associated with that icon. Bottom Tab Bar is another navigation component used to switch between different screens in an app. It is typically used with a TabBar and a TabBarController.
As Bottom Navigation Bar is one of the most used UI component, and many Flutter packages exist that ease the process of adding bottom navigation bar with custom designs and engaging micro-interactions in your app.
The complete list of Bottom Navigation Bar, Bottom Bar, Bottom Tab Bar Flutter packages is provided below.
👍 2.79K ⬇️ 21.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A Flutter package which implements a ConvexAppBar to show a convex tab in the bottom bar. Theming supported.

👍 2.27K ⬇️ 17.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A highly customizable persistent/static bottom navigation bar for flutter. Includes up-to 20 styles.

👍 2.01K ⬇️ 17.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Stunning Animating Curved Shape Navigation Bar. Adjustable color, background color, animation curve, animation duration.

👍 1.53K ⬇️ 42.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A modern google style nav bar which could be use as a bottom navigation bar or tabbar, the design strictly follows the cuberto UI/UX on dribbble.

👍 1.32K ⬇️ 19.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Animated Bottom Navigation Bar Widget implementation inspired by a Dribble Shot.

👍 1.32K ⬇️ 4.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A beautiful and animated bottom navigation. The navigation bar uses your current theme, but you are free to customize it.

👍 1.06K ⬇️ 7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Yet another bottom navigation bar, but with a few key promises.
👍 644 ⬇️ 2.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Flutter bottom navigation bar widget with snake animation on change item.
👍 520 ⬇️ 1.9K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A custom navigation bar with bubble click effect. Inspired by The Boring Flutter Development Show EP. 35.

👍 405 ⬇️ 1.4K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Simple smooth animations, providing a nice and cleanUI/UX Bottom Nav Bar.

👍 363 ⬇️ 12.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A highly customizable bottom navigation bar for Flutter. Includes 17 prebuilt styles but can also be used with your custom style.

👍 352 ⬇️ 3.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
This package helps you to achieve animated notch bottom navigation bar with any widget as children.

👍 351 ⬇️ 881
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Bottom navigation bar, it has unique water drop effect. When water droplet falls it marks seleted item.

👍 311 ⬇️ 727
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Bottom Navigation Bar with sliding menu icon and text with clipping effect, it also has ripple effect when tapped.

👍 262 ⬇️ 1.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Another nice animated tab bar

👍 251 ⬇️ 614
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A flutter package that allows showing a floating widget that can be used as a tab bar, bottom navigation bar, etc. The widget reacts to scrolling events too.

👍 241 ⬇️ 3.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A collection of stylish bottom navigation bars like animated bottom bar and bubble bottom bar for flutter.

👍 236 ⬇️ 1.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
An animated Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter apps, icon animates into place, colors are customizable.
👍 189 ⬇️ 32.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Highly customizable floating bottom navigation package for flutter.

👍 208 ⬇️ 579
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Circular Bottom Navigation
👍 187 ⬇️ 445
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A beautiful bottom navigation with a fluid animation. Bar color, icons and animation speed are fully customizable.
👍 186 ⬇️ 76
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
This package allow hide or show bottom navigation bar while scrolling

👍 170 ⬇️ 3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Awesome Bottom Bar

👍 163 ⬇️ 216
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A beautiful and animated bottom navigation bar, easy to implementation with icon data or customize with your own widget.

👍 149 ⬇️ 1.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
An animated bottom navigation bar supporting drawer icon at start or end or can be used with the drawer icon and is provided with 2 different styles.
👍 129 ⬇️ 861
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Bottom bar helps create an optimized bottom navigation bar with beautiful animations

👍 110 ⬇️ 3.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A package provides an easy way to make circle button nav bar in Flutter project

👍 110 ⬇️ 554
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
This package provides sliding animation to floating action button located at the center and bottom tab button.

👍 105 ⬇️ 1.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Widget, that can make any static located widget hidable (scroll to hide).

👍 88 ⬇️ 3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Stunning Animating Curved Shape Navigation Bar. Adjustable color, background color, animation curve, animation duration.

👍 88 ⬇️ 610
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
An animated Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter apps, icon animates into place, colors are customizable.
👍 87 ⬇️ 112
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A quick and powerful app layout. Supports page state preservation, lazy page loading, and has a page backstack.
👍 86 ⬇️ 265
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Frosted bottom navigation bar allows you to create frsoted bottom bar that also reacts on scroll events.

👍 81 ⬇️ 817
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Sleek, crystal-clear blur bottom navigation bar with dynamic indicator for seamless app navigation.
👍 72 ⬇️ 126
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
To display animation between pages while using bottom bar navigation.

👍 68 ⬇️ 401
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A responsive bottom navigation bar. Very beginner friendly. Feel free to contribute.
👍 68 ⬇️ 218
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Customisable, clean looking bottom floating navbar. FloatingNavBar comes with multiple customization options - colors, page indicators, etc. This can be used as an alternative to the default BottomNavigationBar
👍 66 ⬇️ 338
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
An animated bottom navigation bar with many parameters to tweak.

👍 65 ⬇️ 226
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
contactus is the package which helps the developers to add their contact information with ease. Developers can add many important details such as website, email, phone number, etc.
👍 64 ⬇️ 281
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A fancy bottom navigation bar for pandas. Pandabar designed for new neumorphic design trend.

👍 51 ⬇️ 71
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A collection of really awesome, easy to use Bottom Navigation Bars.
👍 50 ⬇️ 749
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A bottom navigation bar using navigator 2 for switching tabs
👍 46 ⬇️ 79
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
An fancy yet beautiful flutter widget to use with the bottomNavigationBar, supports on selected and works with any widgets.

👍 41 ⬇️ 254
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Stunning Animating Curved Shape Around Indicator Navigation Bar. Adjustable color, background color, animation curve, animation duration.

👍 41 ⬇️ 88
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Animated, modern and highly customisable bottom navigation bar for flutter.
👍 38 ⬇️ 133
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Package to show a dynamic bottom bar with a ball as indicator.

👍 36 ⬇️ 107
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
An animated, beauty and functional Bottom Navigation Bar you app.
👍 34 ⬇️ 52
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A 3D BottomNavigationBar inspired by Dribbble design by Dannniel
👍 32 ⬇️ 56
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
draggable_customized_btn_navy_bar, Drag and drop all your items, customize your bottom navigation in the best way.
👍 30 ⬇️ 281
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Bottom nav bar with FAB, You can use FAB as a middle tab or perform other operations like, open popup or open camera.
👍 29 ⬇️ 51
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A bottom nav bar that can be scrolled when there are than 5 nav items to display. It also let user swipe items position and item can be deleted from the navbar.
👍 28 ⬇️ 348
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Flutter blur bottom bar is a recreation of the ios tab view with material desifn for android and ios
👍 28 ⬇️ 217
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A fully customisable bottom navbar with top,bottom indicator and gradients.
👍 27 ⬇️ 74
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A package to show and bottom bar with the capability to expand and show a bottom sheet
👍 25 ⬇️ 51
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Global Bottom Navigation bar simple to integrate, Also you have the ability to add global App bar with adding an object from app bar in main file when you use this library.
👍 25 ⬇️ 2
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A new Flutter package project.
👍 24 ⬇️ 41
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar | if you want bottom navigation with smooth animation add this package .
👍 24 ⬇️ 39
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Fully customizable bottom navigation bar with multiple built-in shapes and support custom shapes also with built-in transition animations

👍 20 ⬇️ 62
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Ultimate Bottom Navigation Bar is a customizable bottom navigation bar for your Flutter applications.
👍 18 ⬇️ 87
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A simple flutter package for creating a TabBarView layout with custom Tabbar.

👍 12 ⬇️ 115
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
This package is to build gradiant and floating Navigation Bar with a few lines of code.

👍 8 ⬇️ 79
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
NavigationView is a Flutter package that provides a customizable navigation bar with animated transitions.

👍 8 ⬇️ 48
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Flutter package for beautiful navigation bar with animation when select item.

👍 7 ⬇️ 65
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
An animated bottom navigation bar for Flutter, designed to provide a smooth and visually appealing transition between tabs.you can use like docunment

👍 5 ⬇️ 51
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Simple Bottom App Bar with Glowing transition effect to provide a beautiful effect for navigation
👍 1 ⬇️ 33
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
FlexiBottomNavigation is a customizable bottom navigation widget for Flutter. It allows you to easily create a bottom navigation bar with configurable icons, labels, and colors, giving you the flexibility to tailor the navigation experience to your app's needs.
👍 339 ⬇️ 184
Maintenance Status: Poor
Animatable bottom app bar with expandable sheet. Use me if you need cool bottom bar!
👍 229 ⬇️ 318
Maintenance Status: Poor
An animated Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter apps, icon animates into place, colors are customisable..
👍 223 ⬇️ 279
Maintenance Status: Poor
BubbleBottomBar is a Flutter widget
👍 159 ⬇️ 71
Maintenance Status: Poor
Configurable bottom navigation bar with raised highlight and shadow
👍 144 ⬇️ 470
Maintenance Status: Poor
A beautiful, clean and simple bottom navigation bar with smooth animation on click. This package is high customizable, read more bellow for more details.
👍 98 ⬇️ 31
Maintenance Status: Poor
Bottom Personalized Dot Bar, Drag and drop all your items, customize your bottom navigation in the best way.
👍 88 ⬇️ 7
Maintenance Status: Poor
A Custom Extended Scaffold with Expandable and Floating Navigation Bar
👍 72 ⬇️ 47
Maintenance Status: Poor
Stunning Animating Bubbled Shape Navigation Bar. Adjustable color, background color, animation curve, animation duration. Working with PageView via controller param.
👍 67 ⬇️ 284
Maintenance Status: Good
A flutter package to build advanced bottomnavbar with minimal code and hassle
👍 63 ⬇️ 54
Maintenance Status: Poor
A Flutter nav bar with a rolling active indicator behind each icon
👍 51 ⬇️ 64
Maintenance Status: Poor
A flutter package that makes it easy to create your own navigator anywhere in the widget tree.
👍 46 ⬇️ 31
Maintenance Status: Poor
Jumping Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter.
👍 37 ⬇️ 37
Maintenance Status: Poor
A custom navigation bar with smooth & dynamic ink blob transition effect.
👍 36 ⬇️ 27
Maintenance Status: Poor
A beautiful modern Navigation Bar along with a Floating Action Bar.
👍 17 ⬇️ 31
Maintenance Status: Poor
A bottom navigation bar with expanding titles and icons when clicked.
👍 14 ⬇️ 29
Maintenance Status: Poor
A bottom navigation bar widget that is made to be customized
👍 12 ⬇️ 2
Maintenance Status: Poor
A material Bottom Navigation Bar with a linear gradient option.