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Top Flutter Shapes and Path packages

Last updated: February 25, 2025

Flutter's Canvas is an interface for recording graphical operations. It can be used to draw shapes, images, texts and nearly everything else on the screen with pixel precision. Vector image file formats like SVG that are small and efficient can also be converted into paths that can be drawn on this canvas.

The complete list Flutter packages that provide SVG to Path, Canvas Path, Custom Canvas Shapes and Blob utilities for your Flutter app is provided below.

👍 43   ⬇️ 3.1M
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Dart library to help with SVG Path parsing and code generation. Used by Flutter SVG.

👍 207   ⬇️ 969.2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A flutter library to help with (Canvas) Path creation and manipulation

👍 349   ⬇️ 3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Create beautiful blobs - fixed/random blob generation, animations, svgs and more

morphable_shape Card Image
👍 175   ⬇️ 7.8K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter package for creating various shapes that are responsive and can morph betweem each other.

👍 104   ⬇️ 253
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package that is used to create trim path animation.

flutter_box_transform Card Image
👍 99   ⬇️ 3.1K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Good

A Flutter implementation of box_transform package that provides easy 2D box transform operations with advanced resizing of rect in UI.

widget_arrows Card Image
👍 94   ⬇️ 1.6K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Simply draw customizable arrows between any widgets in your app.

👍 59   ⬇️ 22.9K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A Flutter/Dart utility to parse an SVG path into a equivalent Path object from dart:ui library.

👍 76   ⬇️ 4
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Draw dashed lines with any shape and style you want. Just like that.

hexagon Card Image
👍 72   ⬇️ 3.3K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Library about hexagon shape. You can create pointy or flat hexagons in any color you like.

👍 67   ⬇️ 922
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Less code, less difficulty, drawing standard Bezier curve.Package can be used to clip the widget or draw the path by yourself.

👍 45   ⬇️ 11.5K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter project for draw dashes

wave_blob Card Image
👍 52   ⬇️ 602
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

This package provide a blob wave animation that can be customized to your needs. You can playing audio using amplitude of voice.

arrow_path Card Image
👍 47   ⬇️ 3.2K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Draw arrows with Path objects easily. Paths can be composited to add arrows to any curve and draw all at once.

👍 49   ⬇️ 499
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A package for creating superellipse shapes in flutter. A superellipse is a shape constituting a transition between a rectangle and a circle.

👍 48   ⬇️ 870
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A plugin with tools for working with polygons in Flutter. Provides a clipper (PolygonClipper, ClipPolygon) and border (PolygonBorder)

👍 43   ⬇️ 6K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A simple way to draw polygon shapes and to clip them.

👍 48   ⬇️ 223
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

Paint various shapes on canvas.

👍 9   ⬇️ 39.8K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Divider widget with different line styles.

👍 43   ⬇️ 424
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

A Flutter package that is used to draw text or patterm along the given path.

text_to_path_maker Card Image
👍 40   ⬇️ 71
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

A Flutter package that can convert any font's characters into paths and animate them.

👍 30   ⬇️ 9.8K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

An ongoing effort to port the Java Topology Suite to the dart programming language and make it available to its mobile, dektop and web environments.

👍 38   ⬇️ 74
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

svg_to_paint generates dart code from a svg file. Given an xml file you can draw its simply by typing a command.

👍 31   ⬇️ 277
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

a package for flutter canvas paint dash line path easily.

👍 12   ⬇️ 7K
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Poor

An icon widget based on a path.

ring_size_view Card Image
👍 7   ⬇️ 66
Dart 3 compatible
Maintenance Status: Average

Simplify loop analysis with this powerful measurement library.