Flutter Gems is a curated list of 6700+ useful Dart & Flutter packages that are categorized based on functionality.
Top Flutter Location, Place and Address Picker packages
Last updated: January 26, 2025
Location Picker is a Flutter app allows a user to select a location on a map. It can be done by directly marking a pin on the map or using APIs such as Google Places to search for a specific location or address, then using the Location Picker to select the location on the map.
The complete list of Map Location Picker, Search Google Places and Address Picker Flutter packages is provided below.
![flutter_osm_plugin Card Image](/media-cards/flutter_osm_plugin.png)
👍 461 ⬇️ 7.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
OpenStreetMap Plugin Native for flutter apps (Andoird/iOS/web)
👍 382 ⬇️ 10.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
Google places autocomplete widgets for flutter.
![google_maps_place_picker_mb Card Image](/media-cards/google_maps_place_picker_mb.png)
👍 145 ⬇️ 4.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A Flutter plugin which provides 'Picking Place' using Google Maps widget. (MB version)
👍 92 ⬇️ 29.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Flutter plugin for google places sdk that uses the native libraries on each platform
![map_location_picker Card Image](/media-cards/map_location_picker.png)
👍 121 ⬇️ 2.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Google Map location picker for flutter Based on google_maps_flutter.
![open_street_map_search_and_pick Card Image](/media-cards/open_street_map_search_and_pick.png)
👍 110 ⬇️ 730
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A flutter place search and location picker plugin that uses Open Street Map.
![mapbox_search Card Image](/media-cards/mapbox_search.png)
👍 91 ⬇️ 16.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Flutter package for place search using MapBox Api and for Static map image
👍 76 ⬇️ 15.8K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Custom Google places autocomplete widget for Android and iOS both.
![city_pickers Card Image](/media-cards/city_pickers.png)
👍 90 ⬇️ 695
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
Flutter plugin for city picker, Popups widgets, call by function, support china.
![location_picker_flutter_map Card Image](/media-cards/location_picker_flutter_map.png)
👍 80 ⬇️ 1.6K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Package that provides Place search and Location picker for flutter maps with a lot of customizations using Open Street Map
👍 75 ⬇️ 256
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
FormField to pick one or more locations from open street map
![kpostal Card Image](/media-cards/kpostal.png)
👍 68 ⬇️ 1.3K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Kpostal package can search for Korean postal addresses using Kakao postcode service.
![flutter_google_places_hoc081098 Card Image](/media-cards/flutter_google_places_hoc081098.png)
👍 56 ⬇️ 6.1K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Google places autocomplete widgets for flutter.
![place_picker_google Card Image](/media-cards/place_picker_google.png)
👍 45 ⬇️ 1.5K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A place picker package for google maps api fully written in dart for Flutter.
👍 43 ⬇️ 27
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
A flutter package for select a city from svg map.
👍 34 ⬇️ 2.2K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A fully customizable Google Places autocomplete TextFormField for Flutter iOS, Android and Web.
👍 36 ⬇️ 185
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
search_map_location is a text search widget used to search geo location by name.It has severel call back and customization option to handle the place search.
👍 33 ⬇️ 98
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Poor
This package for pick or search on google map.
👍 1 ⬇️ 24.7K
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
An http implementation of Flutter plugin to be used by other platform implementation
👍 27 ⬇️ 251
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A service that makes it easy to get information from the Places Api
![dvhcvn Card Image](/media-cards/dvhcvn.png)
👍 24 ⬇️ 236
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Three tiers of Vietnam's administrative units
![flutter_google_places_web Card Image](/media-cards/flutter_google_places_web.gif)
👍 21 ⬇️ 422
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Average
A web designed inline form field for Google Places Autocomplete.
![awesome_place_search Card Image](/media-cards/awesome_place_search.png)
👍 19 ⬇️ 156
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Flutter library that provides a user interface for searching places using the Google Places API.
![flutter_nominatim Card Image](/media-cards/flutter_nominatim.png)
👍 15 ⬇️ 1
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Flutter plugin for free geocoding and place search using OpenStreetMap's Nominatim service with built-in optimizations and no API key required
![bound_location_picker Card Image](/media-cards/bound_location_picker.png)
👍 3 ⬇️ 167
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
A Flutter package created by the official google_maps_flutter plugin, which can help you to picked locations within a boundary.
👍 3 ⬇️ 108
Dart 3 compatibleMaintenance Status: Good
Flutter package for integrating Google Places API into your Flutter apps, offering real-time autocomplete suggestions, place details, and more.
👍 242 ⬇️ 189
Maintenance Status: Poor
A Flutter plugin which provides 'Picking Place' using Google Maps widget.
👍 239 ⬇️ 60
Maintenance Status: Poor
🌍 Map location picker for flutter Based on google_maps_flutter
👍 145 ⬇️ 961
Maintenance Status: Poor
Place picker fully written in dart for Flutter. Comes with autocomplete suggestions and nearby locations list. Localization too.
👍 95 ⬇️ 435
Maintenance Status: Poor
An address search field which helps to autocomplete an address by a reference. It can be used to get Directions beetwen two points.
👍 58 ⬇️ 33
Maintenance Status: Poor
A Search Widget that allows users to search for a place while getting autocompletion feedback.
👍 45 ⬇️ 3
Maintenance Status: Poor
A map location picker for flutter with a Completely free geocoding ! Now we have MapBox Support as well
👍 24 ⬇️ 36
Maintenance Status: Poor
A pub.dev package which helps pick a location from google maps
👍 18 ⬇️ 31
Maintenance Status: Poor
Flutter Package to provide Here Maps Web Services API wrapper that serve different purposes from search, to geocoding.
👍 18 ⬇️ 22
Maintenance Status: Poor
This package allows you to pick a point, a circle or a custom area in Google Maps
👍 18 ⬇️ 10
Maintenance Status: Poor
This package provides some helper widgets to use with mapbox_search library.
👍 9 ⬇️ 46
Maintenance Status: Average
Pick Location From The map and search about any place in google map and get the output and it's the place name and LatLng using Google map and Geolocator
👍 5 ⬇️ 36
Maintenance Status: Poor
MapboxAutocompleteSearchWidget is a flutter package that allows you to search for place name in a autocomplete fashion.
👍 2 ⬇️ 49
Maintenance Status: Poor
A Flutter plugin which provides 'Picking Place' using Google Maps widget.